Pulau Plastik documentary: A Critical View On Our Planet

Pulau Plastik Film
Our plastic pollution crisis is too big for recycling to fix. It’stime to #actforthefuture #bergerakuntukmasadepan
Indonesia has reached a plastic pollution state of emergency. Single-use plastic waste is breaking down into micro-plastics, entering the ocean, harming marine life and ending up on our plates. We need to take action now! Join Gede Robi, Tiza Mafira, and Prigi Arisandi on their journey to capture the facts about single-use plastic pollution across Indonesia.


A documentary film by Visinema Pictures, Kopernik, Akarumput, and Watchdoc that tells the story of three individuals and their fight against single-use plastic pollution. Gede Robi, is the Balinese vocalist of grunge-band Navicula; Tiza Mafira, a young lawyer from Jakarta; and Prigi Arisandi, a biologist and river guard from East Java. The three protagonists explore the extent of plastic pollution in Indonesia, how it has entered our food chain and is impacting our health, as well as what can be done to address the plastic pollution crisis.
Adapted from a series that shares the same title, the Pulau Plastik documentary: A Journey and Notes for the Future, directed by Dandhy Laksono and Rahung Nasution is now available for streaming via Bioskoponline.id platform. 
Pulau Plastik on Bioskop Online
For infomation on how to watch and buy tickets, visit BioskopOnline.id
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Pulau Plastik (Plastic Island) is a collaborative campaign to tackle the issue of single-use plastic in Bali and beyond. Pulau Plastik leverages popular culture and includes social media campaigns, public service announcements, video series, and a feature-length documentary to increase awareness about the hazards of single-use plastic, to change people’s behavior and to advocate for change.