Read more about the article Indonesian School Revolutionises Education: Farm Produce for Tuition, Agroforestry Skills Boost Sustainability
image by : Aprilianingrum

Indonesian School Revolutionises Education: Farm Produce for Tuition, Agroforestry Skills Boost Sustainability

The Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Pakis, a middle school in Gunung Lurah, Cilongok, Banyumas, has implemented a unique policy: students can pay their re-enrollment fees with agricultural produce instead of money.…

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Read more about the article U.S. and Indonesia Strike $35 Million Deal to Save Coral Reefs in Biodiversity Hotspot
Sinularia and Sarcophyton Leather Coral Paradise, Banda Sea, Indonesia by ifish from Getty Images Signature

U.S. and Indonesia Strike $35 Million Deal to Save Coral Reefs in Biodiversity Hotspot

The deal is structured under the U.S. Tropical Forest and Coral Reef Conservation Act, with $26 million of Jakarta's debt to be written off. Conservation International will contribute an additional…

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Read more about the article Philippine’s Masungi Geopark Project Wins Award, Battles Threats
Masungi’s Discovery Trail’s second-highest apex, Nanay (Filipino term for mother) has five interconnected limestone peaks. Image courtesy of Masungi Georeserve.

Philippine’s Masungi Geopark Project Wins Award, Battles Threats

Located just 30 miles from Manila, the Masungi Georeserve is a geological treasure trove within the Upper Marikina River Basin Protected Landscape; home to over 400 species of flora and…

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Read more about the article Gemah Ripah Market’s Innovative Biogas Power Plant: Turning Fruit Waste into Energy
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Gemah Ripah Market’s Innovative Biogas Power Plant: Turning Fruit Waste into Energy

The biogas power plant utilizes fruit waste as raw material to generate electricity, reducing the market's reliance on the often overcapacity Piyungan Landfill. FOLLOW THIS TOPIC YOGYAKARTA, Indonesia — The…

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Read more about the article Agroecology : A Sustainable Path to Revitalizing Indonesia’s Food Systems
Farmer by Sanford

Agroecology : A Sustainable Path to Revitalizing Indonesia’s Food Systems

By supporting biodiversity, utilizing local resources, and reducing the use of synthetic chemicals, Agroecology principles can create healthier, more sustainable, and fairer food systems. FOLLOW THIS TOPIC JAKARTA, Indonesia —…

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Read more about the article Reviving Wetlands to Stave Off Water Crisis in South Sumatra
Wetlands Revitalisation in South Sumatra / Lebak Petai Kecik by Siriwijaya Media

Reviving Wetlands to Stave Off Water Crisis in South Sumatra

Freeing the wetlands would not only increase community income but also protect these vital ecosystems from degradation and conversion, which impacts water management. FOLLOW THIS TOPIC MENANG RAYA, Indonesia —…

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