Read more about the article World Bank Reshuffles Global Income Classifications by Income Level For 2024-2025
world economy by gerenme from Getty Images Signature

World Bank Reshuffles Global Income Classifications by Income Level For 2024-2025

The World Bank Group assigns the world’s economies to four income groups: low, lower-middle, upper-middle, and high. The classifications are updated each year on July 1, based on the GNI…

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Read more about the article Social Forestry Plays Pivotal Role in Indonesia’s Climate Change Mitigation Efforts
image : Maggie Choi

Social Forestry Plays Pivotal Role in Indonesia’s Climate Change Mitigation Efforts

Within social forestry, 70% of the programs focus on climate change mitigation, while the remaining 30% are dedicated to adaptation. FOLLOW THIS TOPIC Social forestry areas in Indonesia have absorbed…

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Read more about the article Multiplying Harvests: Agrivoltaics Brings Food and Clean Energy to Southeast Asia
Agrovoltaics by Werner Slocum / NREL

Multiplying Harvests: Agrivoltaics Brings Food and Clean Energy to Southeast Asia

Can agrivoltaics be a win - win? An experimental melding of agriculture and renewable power production could help a nation meet its growing food and energy needs simultaneously.  FOLLOW THIS…

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