Read more about the article Singapore Launches $5 Billion Future Energy Fund to Spearhead Clean Energy Revolution
Travel Holiday in Singapore Changi Airport by ภาพของNirut Sangkeaw

Singapore Launches $5 Billion Future Energy Fund to Spearhead Clean Energy Revolution

Moving from a system powered almost entirely by natural gas to one powered by clean energy would entail significant effort and costs, said DPM Lawrence Wong. FOLLOW THIS TOPIC In…

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Read more about the article (Opinion) AI-Driven Agriculture: A Future of Abundance or Exclusion for Farmers?
Agriculture and technology concept - Agritech by metamorworks from Getty Images

(Opinion) AI-Driven Agriculture: A Future of Abundance or Exclusion for Farmers?

How can we ensure AI's benefits reach every farmer, especially those in remote areas? AI in agriculture isn't solely about the tech—it's about people, communities, and shaping a sustainable and…

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Read more about the article NUS Study Reveals Singapore’s Alarming Biodiversity Loss Over Two Centuries
Sentosa Island Singapore by tobiasjo from Getty Images Signature

NUS Study Reveals Singapore’s Alarming Biodiversity Loss Over Two Centuries

Looking forward, the NUS study projects a grim future if deforestation continues unabated in Southeast Asia, forecasting an 18% species loss by century's end. FOLLOW THIS TOPIC A groundbreaking study by…

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Read more about the article Bridging the Gap: The Rise of Gender Lens Investing in Southeast Asia
Concept of Gender Inequality by Tetyana Kulchytska

Bridging the Gap: The Rise of Gender Lens Investing in Southeast Asia

The landscape of gender lens investing in Southeast Asia is rapidly evolving, with Vietnam, Indonesia, and the Philippines at the forefront of this transformation. FOLLOW THIS TOPIC In the quest…

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Read more about the article Global Risks Report 2024: Extreme Weather and Misinformation Top the List of Global Crises
Global Hack View more by dem10 from Getty Images Signature

Global Risks Report 2024: Extreme Weather and Misinformation Top the List of Global Crises

A toxic mix of AI-driven misinformation, biodiversity loss, extreme weather and global conflicts threatens progress on development, according to World Economic Forum's Global Risks Report 2024. FOLLOW THIS TOPIC In…

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Read more about the article Climate Equality : Oxfam’s Report Explores Taxing the Super Rich to Resolve the Climate Crisis
Poverty - squatter homes in Philippines by alptraum from Getty Images

Climate Equality : Oxfam’s Report Explores Taxing the Super Rich to Resolve the Climate Crisis

Climate equality : Oxfam's report underscores the urgent need for policy changes and political action to address the intertwined issues of inequality and the climate crisis. FOLLOW THIS TOPIC A…

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Read more about the article Thailand Embraces Nature-Based Water Strategies for Climate Resilience
A living weir in southern Thailand (Image: GIZ Thailand)

Thailand Embraces Nature-Based Water Strategies for Climate Resilience

In the provinces of Songkhla and Nakhon Si Thammarat -  Thailand, community-led groups have built living weirs along local rivers. This initiative has improved water retention during dry seasons and…

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Read more about the article Adapting to Rising Waters, Lessons from Cambodia’s Floating Villages: Mechrey
image by Look

Adapting to Rising Waters, Lessons from Cambodia’s Floating Villages: Mechrey

The floating villages embody a profound understanding that in the face of environmental upheaval, community-centric solutions, rooted in compassion and mutual support, are not just viable but essential. FOLLOW THIS…

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Read more about the article Asia’s Crucial Challenge: World Risk Report 2023 Exposes Regional Vulnerabilities in Global Disasters
image by Roughly Daily

Asia’s Crucial Challenge: World Risk Report 2023 Exposes Regional Vulnerabilities in Global Disasters

The World Risk Report 2023 dissects vulnerability into three critical dimensions: Susceptibility, Coping, and Adaptation. Three countries in Asia are among those with the highest disaster risk worldwide. FOLLOW THIS…

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Read more about the article Plants on the plate : 3 Cities In Asia Are Leading The Plant-Based Revolution
plant-based menu by Antonina Vlasova from antoninavlasova

Plants on the plate : 3 Cities In Asia Are Leading The Plant-Based Revolution

Phuket and Chiang Mai in Thailand, along with Ubud in Bali, Indonesia, are earning their stripes as vegan hotspots, combining rich cultural experiences with an abundance of plant-based culinary delights.…

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Read more about the article Revitalizing Degraded Forests is a Climate-Smart Strategy For Carbon Sequestration, Study Shows
Eucalyptus reforestation by Gabriel Mendes from Getty Images

Revitalizing Degraded Forests is a Climate-Smart Strategy For Carbon Sequestration, Study Shows

With over 1.5 billion hectares of globally degraded forests, scientists assert that focusing on restoration, rather than replanting in deforested areas, can efficiently enhance carbon sequestration. FOLLOW THIS TOPIC A pivotal…

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