Read more about the article Women’s Rights to Forests and Land Remain Weak Across the Global South, New Report Finds
image :ChangeMakr Asia

Women’s Rights to Forests and Land Remain Weak Across the Global South, New Report Finds

Unequal ground: Released by the Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI) at a pivotal moment in the global conversation on land rights and gender justice, the report analyzed laws and policies in 35 countries across Latin America, Africa, and Asia.

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Read more about the article Citi Private Bank Debuts Philanthropy Advisory Solutions in Singapore In Response to Client Demand

Citi Private Bank Debuts Philanthropy Advisory Solutions in Singapore In Response to Client Demand

The new philanthropy solutions allow Citi clients to establish donor-advised funds or channel charitable donations through two registered Singapore-based charities: the Community Foundation of Singapore (CFS) and AVPN (Asian Venture Philanthropy Network).

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Read more about the article Vietnam Strengthens Renewable Energy Push with New Incentives Under Decree No. 58/2025
Renewable Energy Landscape by nazar_ab from Getty Images Signature

Vietnam Strengthens Renewable Energy Push with New Incentives Under Decree No. 58/2025

Under Decree No. 58, renewable energy projects equipped with electricity storage systems and connected to the national grid will be prioritized, particularly during peak demand hours.

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Read more about the article Singapore to Pilot Carbon Capture at Waste-to-Energy Plants, Expands Climate Resilience Efforts
image by toa55 from akaratwimages

Singapore to Pilot Carbon Capture at Waste-to-Energy Plants, Expands Climate Resilience Efforts

Singapore’s Plan for carbon capture: the government is allocating S$300 million over the next five years to improve the energy efficiency of public sector buildings and test new sustainability solutions.

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Read more about the article Asia’s $2 Trillion Climate Cost: The Rising Toll of Extreme Weather
FP via Getty Images

Asia’s $2 Trillion Climate Cost: The Rising Toll of Extreme Weather

The Climate Risk Index ranks countries based on the human and economic toll of extreme weather. From 1993 to 2022, more than 765,000 lives were lost due to climate-related disasters, while direct economic losses totaled nearly $4.2 trillion (inflation-adjusted).

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Read more about the article Singapore Expands Heat-Reflective Paint Initiative to Combat Urban Heat by 2030
Bright colorful HDB flats buildings in Singapore, against cloudy blue sky. Panoramic view by Kandl from Getty Images

Singapore Expands Heat-Reflective Paint Initiative to Combat Urban Heat by 2030

The project, part of the Green Towns Programme, will be offered to all town councils within the next five years, with the government absorbing the additional costs associated with the more expensive cooling paint.

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Read more about the article Coastal Communities Lead the Charge in Protecting Thailand’s Marine Ecosystems
image : Changemakr Asia

Coastal Communities Lead the Charge in Protecting Thailand’s Marine Ecosystems

Led by the Thai Sea Watch Association, this movement is not just about environmental preservation—it is a direct commitment to safeguarding marine resources, strengthening local fisheries, and ensuring that conservation efforts benefit both biodiversity and livelihoods.

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Read more about the article Mekong Delta Faces Rising Saltwater Intrusion as Dry Season Intensifies
Mekong Delta Drying up

Mekong Delta Faces Rising Saltwater Intrusion as Dry Season Intensifies

The Mekong Delta, known as Vietnam’s agricultural heartland, is bracing for unprecedented saltwater intrusion this dry season. However, this year, the intrusion is expected to exceed normal levels, raising serious concerns for food security, water supply, and livelihoods.

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