Green Your Beauty Routine : How To Make It More Sustainable

Green Beauty | ChangeMakr Asia
Green beauty is on the rise.  If you are thinking to make a difference with your beauty routine, there are few things you need to know. 
“Green”, “clean”, “natural”, and “organic”. These four words that are widely used in the beauty industry, especially when brands aim to make a difference with other brands. Unfortunately,  it is pretty overwhelming trying to make better, healthier choices. There is no strict and clear regulation on what is “natural” or “organic” in the beauty industry, making consumers more confused. 

Green Beauty : What Exactly is it ? 

“Green”, “clean”, “natural”, and “organic”. These four words that are widely used in the beauty industry, especially when brands aim to make a difference with other brands. Unfortunately, there is no strict and clear regulation on what is “natural” or “organic” in the beauty industry, making consumers more confused. 

Green Beauty : Have you Done One or Two of These ? 

How many of you have done one or more of these thinking you will be sustainable and environmentally friendly in your Beauty and Wellness product choices? 
  1. Buy from brands with “recycling programs “” that collect back empty containers without you asking what exactly they do with the collected containers – and buying from them again when you fo and return a container. 
  2. Avoid buying products in plastic containers 
  3. Purchase from brands with “green” labels,  marketing advertisement or roc-friendly with our looking deeper how these brands are different from every other apart from the labels and marketing. 
  4. Discarding empty beauty products containers in recycling bins thinking you have done your part 
  5. Buy from brands using compostable containers and scaring them in recycling bins or compost bin when empty. 

Green Beauty or  GreenWashing In Skin Care ?  

In short, greenwashing is a marketing technique that labels a skincare products as natural, when the majority of its ingredients have no natural origin at all. While it may not be dangerous, it is misleading. 
Similarly, just because a skincare products claims to be natural, it doesn’t mean it it. Because it takes significant amount of time and investment fo create a new natural formula that is both aesthetically pleasant and effective, it is easier to put a natural label on an old-product. 

Green Beauty : What You Can Do Instead  

When you decide to make your beauty routine more sustainable, there are 3 things you can do :
1. Start with eco-audit your own daily beauty  regime and assess the number of product you buy and how much waste is produced as a result. By knowing your own number and determine your footprint, you can start creating a strategy to decrease it.
2. working towards a greener beauty routine will take some time and efforts. Slowly start transition into a green beauty routine by using up what you have before introducing or purchasing a few new eco-beauty products. In no time, you will be well on your way to giving the planet a hug with every swipe, lather, wash and spritz.
3.  Do you homework ! For every new product you plan to buy, check  what the brands are doing to make their products more sustainable, not only from the packaging but also how they source raw materials, handle the distribution process, manufacture the product and eventually dispose the product packaging. 
What beauty habit do you want to start in 2021 ? Do you have any concerns on how to make your beauty routine more sustainable ? Share in the comments below !