Can Indonesia embrace a circular economy?
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and SDG Academy Indonesia have collaborated on a capacity development program to mainstream the implementation of the circular economy in Indonesia. SDG Academy Indonesia, in partnership with UNDP Indonesia, Nippon Closures Co Ltd, and innovation accelerator Intellectual Capital Management Group Pte Ltd (ICMG), aims to develop several capacity-building programs on the circular economy. These programs will focus on strategic issues related to circular economy implementation, including its impact on gender equality.

Transformation of the economy to a circular model
Inclusive communities are a critical foundation for the successful transformation of the economy to a circular model. Thus, SDG Academy Indonesia continues to engage various stakeholders, especially women, to ensure that no one is left behind.
Initiated by UNDP Indonesia, Bappenas, and Tanoto Foundation, SDG Academy Indonesia is a learning hub that aims to localize the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Indonesia.
The capacity-building programs provided by SDG Academy Indonesia target decision-makers from both governmental and non-governmental sectors, preparing leaders who can contribute to accelerating SDGs achievement in Indonesia. SDG Academy Indonesia hopes that these SDG stakeholders can assist Indonesia in rebuilding and comprehensively supporting the 2030 development agenda.
The circular economy discussion series has been ongoing since October 2022 to March 2023, bringing together participants from various backgrounds, including the central and local governments, academia, NGOs, CSOs, private sectors, and students.
Each dialogue session focuses on circular economy implementation and its implications for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The first session discussed the circular economy in Indonesia and Japan, while the following sessions focused on practical aspects of the circular economy, such as eco-friendly manufacturing processes, financing models, and waste prevention and management efficiency, including eco-material and recycling activities.
The final session, which took place on March 15, 2023, was a call to action to strengthen the implementation of circular economy principles in Indonesia and Japan. Let’s all care more about the circular economy and work towards a sustainable future for all.