UNDP Regional Dialogue on Youth Empowerment in Climate Actions 2021

UNDP Regional Dialogue on Youth Empowerment on Climate actions
UNDP Regional Dialogue on Youth Empowerment in Climate Actions is happening virtually on 9 – 10th February 2021
The science is clear, countries have a short window of time to take the urgent action necessary to limit average global temperature rise to a safer 1.5 °C. Global warming is already causing long-lasting changes to our climate system and threatens lives and livelihoods around the world. We have a once-in-a generation opportunity – through the Paris Agreement on Climate Change and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – to ensure a more sustainable, equitable and prosperous future for all.
In the recent past, we are witnessing increased interest, engagement, and activism by youth on the climate agenda. Through climate strikes etc. young people have demanded governments and other relevant stakeholders to take collective actions on climate change. With this context in mind, it is important to engage the voices of young people and identify actionable initiatives to lay the foundation for ambitious climate actions.

UNDP Regional Dialogue on Youth Empowerment 

Aiming to enhance youth empowerment for climate actions in the lead up to the Asia-Pacific Climate Week and the COP 26 in the United Kingdom and beyond, The UNDP Climate Promise Youth Dialogue will take place during February 09-10, 2021.  It also aims to strengthen collaborations between young leaders and key actors such as governments, civil society, the private sector etc. Things to expect from this dialogue are stories of young changemakers and industry influencers, essential knowledge and discussions for various participant groups such as youth and government leaders.
UNDP Regional Dialogue on Youth Empowerment
(image credit : UNDP)
The virtual dialogue outcomes are:
  • Inspire – Through the stories shared by young changemakers and industry influencers, participants are expected to be motivated to engage and empower young people in driving the climate agenda of their countries
  • Knowledge – Acting on climate agenda and NDCs require up to date knowledge and skills, dedicated sessions will be curated to provide essential knowledge and discussions for various participant groups such as youth and government leaders
  • Action – Success of this dialogue will rely on the key actions/interventions that will be developed/ improved and executed by the participants such as youth and government leaders, a knowledge and collaboration platform will be launched with the key actions by various organizations and individuals