Stress Effects : Strange Things Stress Can Do To Your Body

tension stress on our body
A closer look at our daily tension and stress
Our daily lives expose us to countless stress triggers from the tiniest form of discomfort to the most frustrating ones. Being stuck in traffic, being overwhelmed with work, overstimulation  or simply misplacing your phone just as you are about to leave your house are just some of the more common stress-inducing situations most people are familiar with. 
Smaller, daily events also cause stress. This stress is not as apparent to you, but the constant and cumulative impact of the small stressors adds up to a big impact. There are links between stress and psychiatric illnesses such as depression, anxiety, and psychosis. When stress gets too much and lasts too long, the chances of mental wellbeing and physical complications arise.


How a person reacts to a difficult situation will determine the effects of stress on overall health. Some people can experience several stressors in a row or at once without this leading a severe stress reaction. Others may have a stronger response to a single stressor. For example, I experience  heightened tinnitus and a cold sensation all over my body when stressed, but a friend of mine would suffer from insomnia and chest pain, while another would get an upset stomach.
It is important to listen to your body during times of stress and manage your problems to the best you can as tension can lead to worse health issues further along the line. The following are some common physical afflictions a person can have when bombarded with constant stress.


The fight-or-flight response our brain developed through generationsfrom millions of years ago as a reaction to stress. Though it has helped us escape predators in the past, our brain has trouble distinguishing when exactly has the threat passed and thus kept us in the fight-or-flight state. During this time, our brain pumps differentkinds of chemicals and as it doesn’t know how or when to stop, it caneventually create tension.


One of the chemicals released by our brain during the fight-or-flightstate is called the corticosteroid and can dampen our immune systemas the body focuses more on the “predator” right in front of us. Thus, making us more susceptible to illnesses.
Daily tension and stress
image : Goonerua


As a reaction to stress, our nervous system may respond putadditional pressure on the blood vessels and our muscles may tenseup all at once to protect us from oncoming pain. This may suppress blood flow to the muscles all the way until the stress passes, resulting in muscle pains.


This is perhaps one of the most common reactions to stress as well as anxiety. This is because when we’re stressed, the muscles that workto help us breathe will tighten, making it difficult to do so and causechest pains. If left in that state for prolonged periods of time, it cancause significant problems for those with asthma, cause to panicattacks and in more extreme cases, lead to stroke and heart attacks.


For male reproductive system, stress may cause your body rapidly produce more testosterone and quickly drop it after awhile, resulting in erectile dysfunction, (possible) impotence and compromised sperm production.
Stress can also affect the menstrual cycle, hatingit, rushing it or even causing people to miss it entirely. In addition to those, it can lead to amore irregular, heavier flow, or intensified cramps.
Chronic stress can also increase the risk of infection for the male reproductive organs like the prostate and testes, as well as magnify the physical symptoms of menopause according to Healthline.


The gut and the brain communicate in all directions, and when the brain is under stress, the gut reacts with discomfort. This contact will have both short- and long-term consequences when you’re overwhelmed. Stress can unbalance gut bacteria levels over time, causing improvements in neurotransmitter activity and perpetuating elevated stress and anxiety in the brain.
During stressful times or situations, people often blame themselves for being weak or for their inability “to handle it.” Often we, ourselves, do not understand the normal progression of change or stress-producing situations and expect our body to immediately return to total productivity after a stressful event. It doesn’t happen. We need to give ourselves and each other a break.  


By now, we know that anxiety is terrible for our health. 
Time to give yourself a break,  without judging yourself. 
We weren’t designed to operate at peak productivity 14 hours a day, every single day of the year. We weren’t designed to ignore all the tension and stressful situations that happen on daily basis.