Otherwise, It Persists : How to Interrupt Everyday Sexism and Racism

Calling out everyday sexism and racism | ChangeMakr Asia
If you have been learning about how to be an ally, or anti-racist and anti-sexist, you know it’s not always easy. 
Silence enables sexism and racism.If you think it’s none of your business,  you are enabling the problem to grow. “I don’t know what to say” is not acceptable to remain silent when you encounter sexist and/or racist comments. Here are some helpful phrases to use when you encounter everyday, or casual, sexism and racism comments :

Pretend You Don’t Get it – Make Them Explain  

“Help me understand your thinking “
racism interrupter | ChangeMakr Asia
“Hold on, can you explain that jokes to me ? I don’t find it funny “
racism interrupters | ChangeMakr Asia
“would you mind explaining what you mean by that ? I would be interested to know here you got that information from”
racism interrupters | ChangeMakr Asia
“I didn’t realise you think that way”
racism interrupters | ChangeMakr Asia
“Hold on, I need to process what you’ve just said”
racism interrupters | ChangeMakr Asia

Call It Out Directly

“I didn’t realise you think that way”
racism interrupters | ChangeMakr Asia
“That’s not funny … we don’t say things like that here”
racism interrupter | ChangeMakr Asia
“What you just said is harmful”
racism interrupter | ChangeMakr Asia
“I hope you are not sharing that with me because you think I agree, because I don’t”
racism interrupter | ChangeMakr Asia
Save and share this with your friends, colleagues and loved ones. It is important to have these response phrases ready to interrupt biases and hold others accountable. 
Remember, it is important to communicate when you don’t agree – otherwise people may assume you are aligned with their sexist and racist comments. 

The article was initially published on 2nd March 2021.