(Updated) Beyond The Hijab Singapore welcomes submissions from members of the Muslim community in Singapore of all ethnicities, orientations, and hijab preferences to submit written pieces – poems, monologues, songs or even raps!
This month Beyond The Hijab SG is seeking submissions from muslim women living in Singapore who have crafted a written pieces that highlight the newest theme : justice.
Beyond The Hijab SG team is open to accepting more unique interpretations of the idea – such as poems, monologues, songs or even raps!
What’s Your Thoughts and stories on Justice ?
Justice is foundational to Islam and a core part of its teachings. The Qur’an details a complex understanding of justice that pays attention not only to one’s external actions, but one’s intent, internal beliefs, and the conflicting emotions and situations that often arise in its pursuit. Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) dedicated his life to uplifting and advocating for the oppressed and resisting tribal prejudice and violence. During his life, he had taken revolutionary steps to improve the condition of women in his time. As Muslims, we are to asked to continue the journey of ensuring justice in our conduct not just within our communities but also in our relationship to ourselves.
As Muslim women, how has justice been important in your lives? How you have pursued justice, whether for yourself or for your communities? What does justice mean to you? Is there a vision of a just society that you dream of and what does that society look like? Did you perhaps go through a personal journey to treat yourself in a more just manner? Are there present injustices that make you angry?
Submission Guidelines
- All pieces must be original and submitted in the English language unless you can provide a translation.
- Submissions must be between 600 – 2000 words.
- Authors must be Singaporean or PR and be members of the Muslim community in Singapore.
- If selected, your piece may go through an editing process. We may request some changes or edits, but only because we want the strength of your piece to be fully realised!
- We provide an honorarium for selected pieces.
- Submit below or email as a Word document to Diana at [email protected]
Share your thoughts, stories, and passionate treatises before 15th March 2021 !
About Beyond The Hijab SG

Beyond The Hijab Singapore is a place to celebrate the trials, triumphs and even sometimes cringe-worthy awkwardness of being Muslim women. You can submit under a pseudonym if you want to maintain anonymity and submissions will not be reproduced in any way except with the permission of the author.
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