Read more about the article Global Warming Could Make Groundwater Undrinkable for 75 Million by 2100
Sample water from river for analysis. Hand in glove by ADragan from Getty Images Pro

Global Warming Could Make Groundwater Undrinkable for 75 Million by 2100

A recent study published in Nature Geoscience, researchers from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology suggests that groundwater Could Be Too Hot to Drink for 75 Million People by 2100. FOLLOW…

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Read more about the article Climate Change Widens Gender Gap, UN Efforts Seek Breakthrough
Indian woman collecting water, Rajasthan by hadynyah from Getty Images Signature

Climate Change Widens Gender Gap, UN Efforts Seek Breakthrough

In poor households without taps, the responsibility for collecting water typically falls on women and girls. As climate change makes water scarcer and they have to travel further and spend…

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Read more about the article World Bank Reshuffles Global Income Classifications by Income Level For 2024-2025
world economy by gerenme from Getty Images Signature

World Bank Reshuffles Global Income Classifications by Income Level For 2024-2025

The World Bank Group assigns the world’s economies to four income groups: low, lower-middle, upper-middle, and high. The classifications are updated each year on July 1, based on the GNI…

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Read more about the article Social Forestry Plays Pivotal Role in Indonesia’s Climate Change Mitigation Efforts
image : Maggie Choi

Social Forestry Plays Pivotal Role in Indonesia’s Climate Change Mitigation Efforts

Within social forestry, 70% of the programs focus on climate change mitigation, while the remaining 30% are dedicated to adaptation. FOLLOW THIS TOPIC Social forestry areas in Indonesia have absorbed…

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