Read more about the article World must move beyond waste era and turn rubbish into resource: UN Report
image : UNEP

World must move beyond waste era and turn rubbish into resource: UN Report

The Global Waste Management Outlook offers an updated assessment of global waste management and an analysis of data concerning municipal solid waste management worldwide. FOLLOW THIS TOPIC Projections show greatest…

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Read more about the article Sri Lanka Initiative to expand its mangrove forests by over 50 per cent recognised as one of seven UN World Restoration Flagships
Photo UNEP/Todd Brown. UN World Restoration Flagship Managrove Regeneration in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka Initiative to expand its mangrove forests by over 50 per cent recognised as one of seven UN World Restoration Flagships

Mangrove forests thrive along the border between land and sea and are the first line of defence for coastlines, reducing erosion from storm surges, currents, waves, and tides. FOLLOW THIS…

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Read more about the article What you need to know about the plastic treaty negotiations in Paris this week
image : Andrea Maschio / unsplash

What you need to know about the plastic treaty negotiations in Paris this week

As negotiations are underway in Paris for a legally binding agreement to #BeatPlasticPollution, find out about the #PlasticsTreaty process. FOLLOW THIS TOPIC This week sees the second meeting of the Intergovernmental…

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