The pressing social issues and concerns about the environment are driving entrepreneurs and innovators to become more cognizant of their role in making the world a better place to live in
Stanley Chong, Director at TechNode Global
Distinguished Award Titles for “Startup Leader of the Year”
- Startup Trailblazers
- Future-Proofing Heroes
- Pandemic Growth Warriors
- Enterprise Tech Superstars
- Smart City Idols
- Web 3 Disruptors
Prestigious Recognition for “Enterprise Award – Corporates”
- Corporate Sustainability Champions
Honorary Awards for “Outstanding Ecosystem Leaders”
- Venture Visionaries
- Most Active Community Builders
- Outstanding Accelerator/Incubator
General qualifying criteria for Startup Leader of the Year category:
- The nominee must be based or operating in APAC.
- The nominee should have a commercialized product or have existing pilot projects with commercial partners.
- The nominee’s funding round must not exceed Series B. (i.e. seed funding – Series B are eligible)
General qualifying criteria for Enterprise Award – Corporates:
- The nominee should have a physical office presence in APAC.
- For this award, the nominee should showcase existing campaign and/or initiatives that are currently in place and is quantifiable with the relevant UN SDGs.
- The project has to be a long-term commitment with participation from at least 1 department of the organization and a two years implementation plan.
General qualifying criteria for Outstanding Ecosystem Leaders:
- The nominee should be based in APAC
- The nominee has to showcase their engagement or active contribution to the APAC ecosystem communities either through certain initiatives, campaigns, or investments into the ecosystem.
We strongly believe that this generation holds the key to a better future, and TechNode Global aims to continue its mission to serve as the platform for entrepreneurs, startups, change-makers, visionaries, and academics, that promote positive changes revolving around the theme of sustainability, well-being, and impactful economic growth,
Stanley Chong, Director at TechNode Global
- The nomination submission period: June 15, 2022 – August. 31, 2022
- Advisory Committee review and public voting: September 1 to October 31, 2022
- ORIGIN Summit x ORIGIN Innovation Awards: November 2022 – December 2022
- Nominations must meet all criteria stipulated in the guideline, otherwise the organizer retains the rights to disqualify the entry.
- Nomination is free. No fees applied.
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