We are A UN Women WEPs Signatory

Changemakr Asia is a UN Women WEPs signatory
Echoing our CEO’s words “Changemakr Asia believes diversity and inclusion drive innovation. So we’re building a culture where difference is respected and inclusiveness is a reflex. We like it that way
Changemakr Asia proudly became an official UN Women Empowerment Principles (WEPs) signatory on 18 January 2024. We are the fifty-fourth organization in Singapore to join this esteemed global community. As members, we stand as key corporate advocates for the gender equality goals outlined in the 2030 Agenda. At the highest level and within our operations, we actively engage with leading voices in gender equality and women’s empowerment. This collaboration strengthens our dedication to advancing gender equality at Bewsys. The Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) offer us a robust framework to foster gender equality and empower women not just within our workplace but also across the communities we serve.


UN Women Empowerment Principles (WEPs) signatory

The movement, initiated by the UN Global Compact and UN Women, is grounded in the Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs), which draw on international labor and human rights standards. We recognize our critical role as a business in advancing gender equality and empowering women.
The technology sector, globally, lacks gender diversity, with recent figures showing that women constitute less than 19% of the tech workforce. Women in technology face numerous challenges, including the gender pay gap, underrepresentation in leadership roles, inflexible work schedules, and policies that do not support their growth.
Adopting the UN WEPs enables us at Changemakr Asia to work both internally and with external partners, building the capacity and structure needed to further gender equality within our organization. This commitment not only advances our mission but also positions us competitively, enhancing our appeal to international development organizations and impact investors worldwide.
Our dedication to closing gender gaps has tangible impacts on women, their families, and communities. We’ve made significant progress in creating a safe, inclusive workplace by implementing policies like equal pay for equal work, gender-responsive supply chain practices, and a zero-tolerance stance on sexual harassment. We’ve also introduced flexible working hours and remote work options. Going forward, we’re committed to increasing our support for women in tech.
The WEPs offer a framework for ongoing engagement, sustainability, and reporting on our progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals related to women. Tools such as the WEPS Gap Analysis Tool allow us to assess our gender equality performance, ensuring transparency and accountability in our efforts.