Survey: Majority of CEOs committed to improving ESG performance, despite economic headwinds

Most CEOs leading the world's largest companies remain committed to prioritizing environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues, despite growing concerns over the threat posed by current economic and geopolitical headwinds.

That is the conclusion of a major global survey from consultancy giant KPMG, which quizzed CEOs at over 1,300 firms with annual revenues greater than $500 million — of which a third boasted revenues of over $10 billion — to gauge their views on the greatest risks and opportunities facing their businesses over the next three years.

Geopolitics and political uncertainty were ranked as the greatest risk to growth in this year's survey, despite these issues not even reaching the top five of key concerns in the same poll in 2022, KPMG said, underscoring the growing desire among corporate leaders for stable business investment environments worldwide.

The consulting giant said the "persistent flux" in global politics, trade dynamics and international relations — most notably demonstrated by Russia's war in Ukraine and tensions between the West and China — had compelled CEOs to reassess their strategic priorities and enhance their focus on business resilience.

The survey also found over three-quarters of CEOs — 77 percent — believe rising interest rates, tightening monetary policies and cost of living pressures risk exacerbating the threat of a global recession and negatively affecting their businesses over the next three years.

But despite these headwinds, the survey indicates that over 70 percent remain confident about the global economic outlook for the next three years, a proportion broadly unchanged from last year's survey.

Moreover, the survey findings indicate most CEOs remain committed to embedding ESG practices into their businesses, despite a polarizing discourse on ESG issues which has fueled a backlash against sustainable investment and governance practices among right-wing U.S. policymakers.

"Despite increasing economic and political uncertainty, the latest survey findings reflect a growing sense of resilience and focus from CEOs on ESG," said John McCalla-Leacy, KPMG's head of global ESG.

"Topics like the climate crisis have become polarized in some regions, but business leaders have told us they're prepared to take tough, ethical decisions and stances to ensure that they play a positive role in driving the transition to more sustainable operations, which benefits everyone."

Just shy of 70 percent of the CEOs surveyed said they had fully embedded ESG strategies into their businesses. Meanwhile, around half anticipate a return on their ESG investments within the next three to

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