Oil Spill in Singapore Waters Leads to Beach Closures and Cleanup Efforts

oil spill singapore
The oil spill occurred on June 14 due to an incident involving the Netherlands-flagged dredging boat Vox Maxima and the Singapore-flagged bunker vessel Marine Honour, which was stationary at the time. 
SINGAPORE — A significant oil spill resulting from a collision between a Netherlands-flagged dredger and a stationary Singapore-flagged bunker vessel has prompted the closure of a large section of the beachfront in East Coast Park and other affected areas as authorities work to contain and clean up the environmental incident.


The Oil Spill

The oil spill occurred on June 14 due to an incident involving the Netherlands-flagged dredging boat Vox Maxima and the Singapore-flagged bunker vessel Marine Honour, which was stationary at the time. Tidal currents have carried the oil to shorelines, including those of Sentosa, Labrador Nature Reserve, the Southern Islands, Marina South Pier, and East Coast Park.
In response, the MPA deployed patrol craft to spray dispersants on the spill and activated its oil spill response contractor, mobilizing oil booms, dispersants, and oil skimmers to mitigate the impact. As of now, 18 response craft from various organizations have been deployed to carry out containment and cleanup efforts at sea.
Close to 1,500 meters of containment booms have been deployed, with more expected in the coming days to prevent further oil from reaching the shores. The booms will also facilitate the recovery of trapped oil from affected shorelines and lagoons, preventing it from returning to the sea.
NParks has also deployed oil absorbent booms to protect Berlayer Creek and the Rocky Shore at Labrador Nature Reserve, while similar measures have been taken at West Coast Park to safeguard the mangroves at the Marsh Garden, although that area remains unaffected.
Authorities have also established a hotline for the public to report any oil-slicked animals encountered, while the NEA is monitoring water quality at other beaches. The MPA will be conducting an investigation into the incident.