Nearly all world’s population hit by global heating last quarter – study

Peer-reviewed research by Climate Central found 98% of people worldwide experienced temperatures heightened by climate pollution June-August

Nearly all of the world’s population experienced higher temperatures from June to August as a result of human-induced climate change, according to a peer-reviewed research report published late on Thursday.

The northern hemisphere summer of 2023 has been the hottest since records began, with prolonged heatwaves in North America and southern Europe causing catastrophic wildfires and spikes in mortality rates. July was the hottest month ever recorded, while average August temperatures were also 1.5 Celsius higher than pre-industrial levels.

A study by Climate Central, a US-based research group, looked at temperatures in 180 countries and 22 territories and found that 98% of the world’s population were exposed to higher temperatures made at least twice more likely by carbon dioxide pollution.

“Virtually no one on Earth escaped the influence of global warming during the past three months,” said Andrew Pershing, Climate Central’s vice president for science.

“In every country we could analyse, including the southern hemisphere, where this is the coolest time of year, we

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