Future-proof carbon removal strategies that make an impact


Date/Time: June 13, 2024 (12PM-1PM ET / 9-10AM PT)

Carbon removal—especially durable solutions—will be increasingly essential to meet global climate targets, but today’s voluntary carbon market lacks the supply of high-quality, durable solutions needed to meet climate goals. 

To meet that challenge, a few private sector leaders are already transforming the market by investing in multi-year purchasing, focusing on scalable, high-quality nature-based solutions now, while securing supply of durable engineered removals that will make an impact in the future. 

In this GreenBiz webcast, experts from Carbon Direct will share how you stay ahead of stakeholder demands, maximize your impact, and show your climate leadership with a future-proofed carbon credit purchasing strategy. 

Attendees will learn: 

  • Strategie

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