Climate Launchpad Cohort B Calls For Green Business Innovators

Climate Launchpad 2022
Our future is green ! Push yourself forward and join Climate Launchpad Cohort B ! 
Exciting news! The overwhelming numbers of applications has lead Climate Launchpad to establish a cohort B for Climate Launchpad – India. Here’s your chance to turn your early-stage clean-tech ideas into real businesses ! 


Climate Launchpad Cohort B 2022 

You have a green business idea and want to take it to the next level. Perfect, you should enter our competition. Don’t worry if you don’t have a business plan just yet. Or if your idea is still on the back of a napkin. You are most welcome to join. Here’s the thing. Climate Launchpad is serious about fighting climate change. It’s our belief that investing in ideas and entrepreneurs is the way to go. Green and clean futures require thousands of innovations that challenge current business models. This is why.
Climate Launchpad 2022
Your green idea deserves success. Work with the best trainers on the planet. Review skills, perform customer validation, and find value proposition. Acquire new skills and knowledge in bootcamps and coaching sessions, and network to get your business thriving.

How Does The Competition Work ?  

ClimateLaunchpad helps you get your idea battle-proof. To enter the competition submit your idea or innovation with environmental impact.  All entries will be reviewed and ideas that fit the bill of our competition get invited to join. We’ll help you fast track that idea into a business and bypass all possible pitfalls along the way. You’ll learn how to get your idea funded and launched. Click here to read more about our programme.

What Kind of Ideas Is ClimateLaunchpad Looking For ?   

Your idea can be an innovation in renewable energy, a sustainable transition in the food chain, a mind shift in urban mobility or any other way to tackle climate change. As long as it’s in the cleantech domain: “a scientific innovation that uses existing technology to do more with fewer resources, and has a commercial driver.” Check out this video from Simply Science for a thorough explanation of the cleantech space. 
Application deadline – 26 June 2022.
Even if your idea is still on the back of a napkin, you’re most welcome to join. Not sure if your idea fits the bill? Contact Climate Launcpad team, they are happy to help.
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