Climate Finance Academy Opens Applications for 2024 !

Global Climate Strike 09-20-2019 by Markus Spiske from Pexels
This intensive 3-month training program is designed to equip young individuals with the skills and resources necessary to lead meaningful engagements in climate finance and environmental justice.
In a move to cultivate the next generation of climate finance experts, the YOUNGO Finance and Markets Working Group has announced the opening of applications for its 2024 Climate Finance Academy cohort. The program, now in its third year, has already trained 400 young individuals, establishing itself as a pivotal platform for youth engagement in climate finance and environmental justice.


The Climate Finance  Academy

The Climate Finance Academy, launched in 2022, has quickly become a cornerstone initiative in preparing young people for the complex world of climate finance. Each year, the academy brings together 200 participants, offering them unprecedented access to industry experts and facilitating critical discussions on pressing environmental issues.
The 2024 program promises an intensive three-month training regimen designed to arm participants with the skills and knowledge necessary to navigate the intricate landscape of climate finance. The curriculum will cover a range of topics, from engaging with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to practical aspects of becoming a Climate Finance Practitioner.
Eligibility for the program is limited to individuals between 18 and 35 years old as of December 2024. The academy emphasizes genuine interest and personal commitment, explicitly stating that all application responses must be written by the applicants themselves. The use of AI-generated responses will result in disqualification, underscoring the program’s focus on authentic engagement.
Applications for the 2024 cohort will be accepted until July 20th at 23:59 UTC. Prospective participants are encouraged to visit the official application page for more details and to submit their applications.

Lead image courtesy of Markus Spiske via Pexels (Global Climate Strike 09-20-2019)