Biodiversity-related projects have seen an increase in international funding in recent years, but remain a low priority compared to other development initiatives, according to a

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Photo by Sasun Bughdaryan on Unsplash) Contributed by Charles Benisch, senior director of renewable advisory at ENGIE Impact  Renewable energy assets are coming online at

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A new study by an international team of scientists finds that industrial fishing is driving the world’s oceans toward collapse. The report outlines 11 key

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The first time Robin Naidoo mapped GPS data points to track elephant movement in Southern Africa, he was in for a surprise. Across the Kavango-Zambezi

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Simon Stiell tells investors in NYC that rich countries are benefiting most from clean energy growth while poorer nations are deprived of finance for cheaper

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The first ever pulse check of the planet’s health shows that the Earth is far beyond it’s safe operating space for humanity. Six of nine

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What’s new: The number of bony marine fish species at risk of extinction could be five times higher than previously estimated by conservation scientists, a

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The Indian leopard (Panthera pardus fusca), locally known as chitah bagh in Bangladesh, is mostly found in the northern and northwestern region of the country,

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A participant in a 2023 “BioBlitz” event cataloging plants and wildlife in city-owned vacant lots in Chicago. Credit: Audrey Henderson ) by Audrey Henderson, Energy

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