Read more about the article COP16 Ends in Stalemate as Critical Biodiversity Goals Hang in the Balance
COP16 - Stocktaking plenary 31OCT 14 / Flickr

COP16 Ends in Stalemate as Critical Biodiversity Goals Hang in the Balance

Despite significant steps forward on indigenous representation and a potential billion-dollar fund for biodiversity, the 16th Conservation of Parties (COP16) summit in Colombia concluded in discord. Developing countries left frustrated as rich nations failed to deliver on their funding promises.

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Read more about the article Punjab Farmers Reap Rs 1.75 Crore in Carbon Credit Compensation, Pioneering Sustainable Agro-Forestry
A crop of wheat growing in Punjab by Kandarp Gupta from Getty Images

Punjab Farmers Reap Rs 1.75 Crore in Carbon Credit Compensation, Pioneering Sustainable Agro-Forestry

Farmers from areas like Hoshiarpur, Ropar, Mohali, Pathankot, and Nawanshahr are now benefiting from a Rs 45-crore pilot project that rewards them for planting and maintaining trees on their agricultural lands.

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Read more about the article A River Reborn: How EcoSattva Is Reviving the Kham River and Transforming a Community
image : EcoSattva / Facebook

A River Reborn: How EcoSattva Is Reviving the Kham River and Transforming a Community

The Kham River Restoration Initiative, led by EcoSattva in partnership with Varroc Industries and the Aurangabad Municipal Corporation, is more than a river cleanup—it is a complete ecological and social transformation.

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Read more about the article Pakistan Declares Astola and Churna Islands as Marine Protected Areas to Boost Conservation Efforts
CHurna Island (photo by Zahoor Salmi via

Pakistan Declares Astola and Churna Islands as Marine Protected Areas to Boost Conservation Efforts

Pakistan designated Astola Island and Churna Island as Marine Protected Areas to strengthen conservation efforts and tackle pollution issues. FOLLOW THIS TOPIC In a significant move to safeguard its marine…

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