Climate Impact Innovations Challenge 2024 Winners Announced

Organized by East Ventures, a leading venture capital firm in Southeast Asia, and Temasek Foundation, a Singapore-based philanthropic organization, the challenge aims to spur innovation in the fields of energy transition, sustainable agriculture, and circular economy.
In a bold step towards tackling some of the most pressing environmental issues, the Climate Impact Innovations Challenge (CIIC) 2024 has announced its winners, highlighting groundbreaking solutions that promise to drive sustainability in Indonesia and beyond. Organized by East Ventures, a leading venture capital firm in Southeast Asia, and Temasek Foundation, a Singapore-based philanthropic organization, the challenge aims to spur innovation in the fields of energy transition, sustainable agriculture, and circular economy.


A Record-Breaking Year for Climate Innovation

Since its launch in 2023, the CIIC has quickly grown to become Indonesia’s largest climate innovation tech competition. This year’s event saw unprecedented global interest, attracting over 500 applicants from 50 countries, the highest number of submissions since the competition’s inception. The challenge closed its call for submissions on June 11, 2024, and the entries were meticulously evaluated by East Ventures, Temasek Foundation, and 14 other expert shortlisting committees.
The expert panel included distinguished figures such as Joko Tri Haryanto, President Director of Indonesia Environment Fund, and Sheila Teta Carina, National Platform Liaison at the P4G Partnership, among others. Together, they brought diverse expertise to assess innovations across three key tracks: Energy Transition, Sustainable Agriculture, and Circular Economy.

Finalists Showcase Pioneering Solutions

Energy Transition Track
ENWISE (China): This startup builds and operates onsite bioenergy stations to fuel a zero-carbon industry, offering a promising solution to reduce reliance on traditional energy sources.
Renewable Metals (Australia): The company boasts a breakthrough technology that achieves 95% recovery of critical metals like Lithium, Nickel, Cobalt, Copper, and Manganese from lithium-ion batteries, all at a 30% lower cost.
SunGreenH2 (Singapore): With a novel electrolyzer technology, SunGreenH2 claims a 200% increase in hydrogen production and a 20% boost in energy efficiency, reducing the landed cost of hydrogen to just US$3 per kilogram.
Sustainable Agriculture Track
DayaTani (Indonesia): Aiming to improve smallholder farmers’ livelihoods, DayaTani offers input financing, best-in-class agricultural practices, and farm intelligence to significantly enhance crop yields.
Hydrogen Refinery (UK): This UK-based innovation involves the low-cost production of ammonia-based fertilizers using plasma electrolysis of waste, potentially reducing greenhouse gas emissions by up to 11 tonnes per tonne of fertilizer produced.
JALA Tech (Indonesia): Focusing on the shrimp industry, JALA Tech provides end-to-end solutions for optimized production, efficient cultivation, and the traceability of high-quality seafood.
Circular Economy Track
AC Biode (Japan): This company has developed a scalable chemolysis process that converts mixed organic waste into syngas, a valuable resource for green energy generation.
Mushroom Material (Singapore/New Zealand): Offering an innovative alternative to polystyrene, this company produces sustainable packaging materials derived from mushrooms.
Parongpong RAW Lab (Indonesia): Through a coastal community-based micro-factory, Parongpong RAW Lab transforms ocean plastic waste and ghost nets into high-quality sustainable building materials.

Grand Finale: Celebrating Visionary Innovators

The CIIC 2024 Grand Finale, held at the ISF 2024, culminated in the selection of three track winners who stood out for their exceptional contributions:
  • SunGreenH2 emerged as the winner of the Renewable Energy track.
  • Hydrogen Refinery claimed the top spot in the Sustainable Agriculture track.
  • AC Biode won in the Circular Economy track.
Additional recognitions were awarded to DayaTani, which secured a US$50,000 investment from Bakti Barito Foundation, and ENWISE, which won a US$50,000 cash prize from Sinarmas Agribusiness and Food.
For those who missed the event, the Grand Finale can be rewatched, and more insights about the finalists are available at