India’s Clean Energy Push: Solar Power Surges as Nation Expands Capacity

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India Energy Statistics India 2024 highlights the 23.68% increase in solar power installed capacity from 2021-22 to 2022-23, underscoring the nation’s commitment to clean energy transition.
In a significant stride toward sustainable development, India has reported substantial growth in its renewable energy sector, with solar power leading the charge. The “Energy Statistics India 2024 Report” reveals a 23.68% increase in solar power installed capacity from 2021-22 to 2022-23, underscoring the nation’s commitment to clean energy transition.


The “Energy Statistics India 2024 Report

The report highlights a 3.98% overall increase in India’s electricity generation capacity, reaching 4,95,199 megawatts (MW) in 2022-23. This growth aligns with the global push for sustainable energy infrastructure, particularly in developing countries, as outlined in the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 7.
India’s strategic shift from conventional to renewable energy sources is evident in the 12.20% growth in installed capacity of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) under utility, excluding hydro. In contrast, thermal sources saw a modest 0.49% increase. The total grid-interactive renewable power capacity surged by 13.90% to 1,25,160 MW in 2023, with solar power accounting for 53.4% of this capacity.
Regionally, the Western Region leads with 34% of the installed electricity generating capacity, followed by the Southern (28%) and Northern (27%) regions. The Northern Region demonstrated the highest annual growth at 5.71% and a remarkable 21.95% increase in the RES sector.
The report also notes progress in India’s conventional energy infrastructure. The country’s refining capacity increased to 2,53,916 thousand metric tonnes per annum (TMTPA), with public sector refineries dominating at over 61% of the total capacity. Refinery production saw a net increase of 0.1%, with overall capacity utilization rising from 96.99% in 2021-22 to 101.60% in 2022-23.

Off-grid Renewable Energy Systems

Off-grid renewable energy systems have shown promise, with solar street lighting systems growing by 1.1% and solar photovoltaic plants registering an impressive 50.6% growth over the previous year.
These developments reflect India’s multifaceted approach to meeting its growing energy demands while prioritizing sustainability. The country’s focus on expanding renewable energy capacity, particularly in solar power, positions it as a key player in the global transition to clean energy.
However, challenges remain. The report indicates that installed capacity does not always translate to equal generation due to production losses and maintenance downtime. Additionally, the transition from fossil fuels to renewable sources requires continued investment in infrastructure and technology.
As India continues to balance its economic growth with environmental responsibilities, the substantial progress in renewable energy capacity serves as a model for other developing nations. The coming years will be crucial in determining whether this growth can be sustained and accelerated to meet the country’s ambitious clean energy goals.