Maryland bill aims to expand commitment to offshore wind

Photo Credit: steve docwra/
Photo Credit: steve docwra/

By BRIAN WITTE Associated Press

A coalition of environmentalists, labor unions, civil rights, and consumer groups gathered March 7 to support a measure to expand Maryland’s commitment to offshore wind as part of the state’s efforts to address climate change.

The bill aims to modernize the electricity grid to transmit offshore wind energy from the ocean to land.

Lawmakers hope the legislation will enable the state to benefit in part from nearly $370 billion set aside in the federal Inflation Reduction Act over 10 years to incentivize electric vehicles and jump-start renewable energy such as solar and wind power nationwide.

“With the federal dollars flowing, investment tax credit for the development of offshore wind, I think this piece of legislation ties in nicely,” Sen. Brian Feldman, a Montgomery County Democrat who chairs the Senate Education, Energy and Environment Committee, told journalists recently. “The timing is excellent to take us to the next level on offshore wind.”

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